Days may go by with no change in the patient's condition.  There may be nothing for you to do but sit by their bedside and wait. Nurses will often talk through what they are doing even if the patient is unconscious. This is because, even though they are heavily sedated, the patient may be aware of being touched, but they are unlikely to remember things as clearly as they would when fully conscious.

Helping the patient
The nurses may ask you to bring in some of the patient's personal belongings to help them recover, such as their favorite music. Talking to your relative or friend may also help.  Keeping up a one-sided conversation can be difficult, but talking about shared experiences of holidays and good times can make you feel better too.

You could also try reading a Al-Quran, newspaper, magazine or book to them. Even if the patient is conscious, you may find it hard to communicate with them. If they can't speak, they may be able to write, or spell out words by pointing to some letters, numbers and common words you have written on a piece of paper.

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